(BES) Business Ecosystems provide various types of solutions.
Odoo ERP Implementation for different modules.
Design and build web sites, systems and Web applications .
Design and build applications for the Android platform.
Build and Support network infrastructure .
End-to-End Integration with SAP ERP and ETA.
End-to-End Integration with oracle fusion on cloud without make any change to ERP system.
Support multiple signing token on the same server for multiple business entities in simple way for one application or for any ERP system.
Provide digital signature for any kind of invoices extracted from any system by applied rules from ETA.
Support any business with proper taxation services and provide support for GS1 items coding to be adapted with ETA.
Support your business to implement new system from A-Z if you don't have any system.
Support your business to be running faster and easier.
Eco Tax , is web-based application serve your business, with the following main features
Eco Tax Application work with one or multiple business entity at time on the same server, separation for evey business unit's items , customers, users and invoices.
Eco Tax Application support manual invoices issuance and bulk issuance at a time. Bulk invoices in a simple way and provide ability to review before sending to ETA.
Eco Tax Application provide master data creation like items cutsomers,users and exchange rates. This in manula createing and bulk also in the same manner.
Eco Tax Application provides the ability to cancel sent invoices and reject any recived invoice. Ability sending any kind of invoices , credit, debit and export invocies and print them in easy way.
10 Amenhotep st, Obour city, Cairo , Egypt.